

Saturday, August 29, 2009

business make money online opportunity

Want to know about business?
Need a make money online opportunity?
Don't know where to start ? listen up

If you have been online for a long time but you never learnt how to make money from the web
or find the right business opportunity, then you should not wait to start learning what you will need to know to make some money online.

There are a bunch of things you can do to earn money online or get you a business going, but you will need some basic knowledge about a certain something, so let's just say you know a lot about making money online then you would write to tell me or others where to find that money, also let's just say you know about cars then that would be your niche, you would tell me everything I need to know about cars or a certain car that you know about. Everyone has a niche online.

If you get the micro niche finder, then this tool will tell you the untapped niches in your subject you write or talk about which mine is about money everything to do with money online, I suggest you go to click bank and set up as a affiliate if you haven't all ready, also i would say you need a website or a blog to write or create your content in, plus if you need a way to get back links to promote your site to get traffic then i would suggest you summit your website or blog to social bookmarking sites like digg, mixx, and propeller. There are other ways to get back links by also submitting articles online to places like, ezine articles, go articles, and article base.

Also google loves these sites and so do the other major search engines, there is software out there these days to get things done for you faster otherwise you can do like me and do all this manually, but it will take you some time.So get to work if you even want to think about some money online or running a business.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Easy make money ways

Want to make money the easy way ?
Do you know how to make money but want to confirm what you know ?

Then I think you should listen to make money the easy way online, you can just do like me and be a affiliate, this is the easiest way I have had a good amount of money come in and it's done easy by promoting other people's products, I don't have to deal with sales as the product will sell its self.

Also I don't have to worry about when I get paid from the commissions I make cause click bank pays on time. The other easy way I have found to make money online is AdSense or chitika or text ad links these are ad sites and as a publisher you will get paid every time someone clicks on your ad.

How this works is that if you like talking about cars, bikes, planes, rug, or money these ads will be showed on your site and when people click on them you will get a cut of whatever the ad cost so say if it's a three dollar ad and someone clicks yours you might get maybe 1.50 out of the three. please stay tuned for my next post soon.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

money from the home based business

If you want to be making money from your home based business then this will give the the idea in your head of what you should do cause I am here to help people, as I also make some money from my home based business, it's plain to see here that you must do as follows.

1. Stop and get your head on, let's use your brain, cause you been in the dark to long.
2. Go set up a website somewhere I recommend a blog, cause that is what this is, I also suggest you find the right host for your needs there are some one my other blog I think you should go visit them here to find them and if you don't use them or need something different that's OK too.
3.Got the host- After you have got your host and your site has been set up you must find a product to which ever niche your in and then start selling it. How do you sell it you get people which is traffic and then you got to convert that traffic into sales.
4. Follow me as I show beginners the way to some money online, don't we all want money ?
5. We were all beginners at some point in our career.

make money online with affiliate program

Want to make money with affiliates programs ? There are a bunch of things online you can promote as your own product only you don't ever have to create one, if your just getting started online with affiliate programs then you could visit click bank to start getting products to promote or you can browse the web for many many products you can promote, but you must know there are pros and cons to everything you do.

Pros of making money online with affiliate program- One thing you don't have to worry about is the customers, you don't have to worry about support and things like that. Also one good thing is that you don't have to worry about the complaints and they are really not tied to you, since you didn't create the product but

on the downside- The cons of promoting someone else's product- Is you get to do all the work and unless your making a decent percent of the product you don't make all the money, but you do get to do all the work behind selling the program and even after you do all the work required sometimes you don't sell anything cause most people know they are being sold something so they don't buy unless they really need your product.

There are four ways you should promote affiliate programs the right way, which are as follows.

1.Set up a lead capture page
2. Auto responder campaign.
3.Follow up letters.
4.Advertise the lead capture page correctly.

The five potential free methods are blogging,social network,forums,classified ads and article writing these will boost your website traffic and get you up and on your way.

Monday, August 24, 2009

making money at home

If you want to make some money at home, then I think you should read on, first of all I do not think you will make a single dime, if your not committed to what it is that you really want to do and second of all, if your a slacker, then this is not for you as it takes lots of work to make some money from home, unless your taking surveys but however even that is time consuming, so you must have one or the two, time or money to make some money at home especially if your just getting started and if you are then I would say you need to learn before you earn. So I think you should first write down a plan, we all should know by now that nothing happens without a plan and if you are like me and do not think you have to have a plan, then I am here to say your wrong, everyone needs a plan to make some money online.

I thought I didn't need a plan and went off to make my blog and websites around no certain niche and when I wasn't making a penny, I wondered why, some days I even got like two thousand people to my site, but still I didn't make a dime, cause the niches I chose and were talking about made me rank far in all of the search engines instead of high in one niche. Since then I have created this blog and another website and now I don't make much money but it's more then what I was making which that was nothing before. So if you want to make money online or at home or wherever you are I suggest you first think it, then you write it down, then implement it and soon it will be a reality.

Never give up on yourself and keep pushing to achieve higher success at what you want to do, only then will you start to earn some money online, most people don't trust you online as it is, cause of the scams who have made it hard for people, I am skeptical too, so I read and write and do my research before I buy something or if I do buy I make sure it will help me by doing research online, reading product reviews, things like that etc. Don't just buy people's crap until you know it's for you and that it will help you fix that problem you have, some people buy things to fix there money problems and I will tell you all of these so called systems require work on your part, but most of them work if you work with the system .

Make money online surveys

Back to talk about a few ways people make money with online surveys. There are plenty of people making money with these everyday, big companies will pay for your opinion. All you have to do is the work required and you could earn a few extra hundred bucks a month. there are several survey places you can go online to take these surveys some are paid while others are free. I know about a few of them and the most recommended one I see is called cash crate, you can type this into google and it should come up. Some people even go as far as to say that this is a scam, I do not know why. Also if you like to take surveys, I do not think you will get rich or make a ton of money but i say you should sign up to a bunch of them since some pay higher then others and the more of them you take the more money you can earn. I would say at least sign up for about five different ones and get work working.

Soon if you take enough of them you should start to see a profit and a little money, but like I said you wont get rich and this is time consuming but however if you work hard at it you can bring in a extra income and if you take them enough you can replace your current income, cause some of these money making online surveys pay five dollars while some will pay you thirty dollars a survey. You just have to get to working hard at it and you can return a profit in the long run

To find out plenty of surveys online, I would suggest that you go here, there are enough of this page to get you started, this work is done from home and it's not very hard it's rather easy, but I would say what makes it kinda hard is the time and effort you would put in. Never give up and if you want to make some extra money online then go take surveys

Sunday, August 23, 2009

making money blogging part 2

After you get to work on your blog you must then think of ways to monetize it if you wish to make money from your blog. There are several ways to do this and the most known is google AdSense, which a program that displays ads on your site in return if someone clicks one of those ads you make money from google. You will have to go sign up for AdSense etc, another ways to make money from your blog is info links and things like that which also work like AdSense with the ads part but info links works to display ads in your text.

One of the ways most online marketers make money online is from affiliate links or affiliate banner ads. All you have to do is find the right affiliate program and you could make thousands off of one product. But remember like I said before it's best if your talking about a certain niche and get programs related to that niche to advertise. If at anytime you get in a rut in your niche which means you can't think of things to write about you could always go and get articles from places like article base or enzine articles to get some ideas or to get another article for your site.

I would say if you do copy someone work like this then change the article a bit so you do not get popped by google's duplicate content log, also I would suggest you post the source from where you got the article so that the person who wrote it does not get mad at you for stealing his or her work. beyond that you could always buy that program that writes your articles for you. I wont say what it is cause I do not want to sell anything in this blog yet. It's still early and I suggest before you start promoting your affiliate links or such on your blog get a readership first because the money don't come without traffic and if you put ads all over your site early on people will not read you they will just think your trying to sell them something again. Which it's common for people to do this they get ahead of themselves and put lots of ads on there site before they get the traffic only to ask why doesn't any one sign up and why don't I have any visits daily etc.

Making money on line

Want to know just a few ways you can make some money on line ?

Want to make fast money or slow money ?

Most people would say fast am I right ?

Hope you said fast cause google's adsense is like the fastest way to make money from your site or blog. A blog is free a site will cost you x amount of dollars a month. A site can have timeless content never to be updated for awhile and blog is like a diray you have to update it once a day or once a week. Once your readers if you have any get turned off thats it. But you can turn some fast profits if you promote your blog and put adsense on it. Or your not supposed to do this but you could tel lyour friend to click your ads which is click fraud and if google finds out you will be banned from the program which is bad so i dont recemment this but it's still away people earn fast money online. Making money on line is very simple after you have done it before. Also think of it like this in business you have to help so many people get what they want and in the end you will get what you want.

>>> example << I work at a burger joint, the people come in and there hungry, the company does not want the food they want the money, so in order to get what they want they have to feed so many people and yes somtimes it even takes some money to make it. So say you are selling those bugers for three bucks a pop and you buy them in the case x amount of dollars a case, you have to spend that lil bit of money, just cause you know your profit will be three times bigger.

More ways to make money coming soon......

making money blogging

Want to make money from your blog ?

Don't know how to get started making money online ?

Ever thought you would fail if you try ?

Then read on let me explain my thoughts.

Making money from your blog does not have to be a hard decision, in fact you just have to know how to start. Once you get your blog up and running you can make money right away if you know where to get traffic. The first thing I would suggest to anyone trying to make money from there blog is go to article sites and write articles since this will get you viral traffic.

The articles you write on your blog can be redone, just make some changes and you have a new article to post then at the bottom of your articles put a link back to your site saying read the full story here etc. After you get about ten articles wrote I would also suggest you visit social book marking sites like digg, mixx and propeller, just to name a few, then go to blogging sites like, blog catalog and mybloglog and join up this will also get you traffic.

The main thing to make money from your blog is to get traffic and lots of it, also blog around a certain niche, this should be something you like to do so that you do not run out of ideas early on as I did with my other blogs. They are good but I have random niches, so instead of ranking high in google in that one niche, I rank far on all of them.

A blog is a bit different then a website and unless you post once a week or daily, your readers will be turned off very quickly. So I urge you to make frequent post, either daily or weekly and let it be known when you will post again. I post not daily not weekly but every other day cause I manage more then just this blog. But enough about me back to the topic. Making money from your blog, can and will be a huge success if you commit yourself to what you wish to do. I think you should also visit other blogs related to this topic, to learn even more then I am explaining to you here.

There are hundreds of blogs that make a full time living and if you believe in yourself you can do it too, it's not easy, but it's not that hard, if you like talking about your niche, you just have to commit yourself to do the work required. to be continued in make money from your blog part 2.

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