Want to know just a few ways you can make some money on line ?
Want to make fast money or slow money ?
Most people would say fast am I right ?
Hope you said fast cause google's adsense is like the fastest way to make money from your site or blog. A blog is free a site will cost you x amount of dollars a month. A site can have timeless content never to be updated for awhile and blog is like a diray you have to update it once a day or once a week. Once your readers if you have any get turned off thats it. But you can turn some fast profits if you promote your blog and put adsense on it. Or your not supposed to do this but you could tel lyour friend to click your ads which is click fraud and if google finds out you will be banned from the program which is bad so i dont recemment this but it's still away people earn fast money online. Making money on line is very simple after you have done it before. Also think of it like this in business you have to help so many people get what they want and in the end you will get what you want.
>>> example << I work at a burger joint, the people come in and there hungry, the company does not want the food they want the money, so in order to get what they want they have to feed so many people and yes somtimes it even takes some money to make it. So say you are selling those bugers for three bucks a pop and you buy them in the case x amount of dollars a case, you have to spend that lil bit of money, just cause you know your profit will be three times bigger.
More ways to make money coming soon......
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